Friday, November 30, 2007

TIreD buT MEaninGFull.. !!!!!

This Is THE plAce WHerE mY "niGHTMAre" BeGin...

toDay I HAve DOnE A MeaniNGFULL Thing.. that is.. HElping mY PArenTS to Clear up THe RUbbiSh in the UpComing HArdWare Shop(Pic Above)
gOsh waKe up At 8Am where My drEam StarTs to BeGin.. but mY COusin CAlled mE uP..
daRn it.. WIthouT takinG bath(got WAsh faCE n Brush teeth la) straight Went to Eng Ann..
so Sleepy ZZzzZZ..

watte.. So DIrty lEr that PLAce.. EMpty Bottle aRound..haha.. My COUz n I use 2HOur TO clean that plAce.. haiz..
after cleaning.. we went to take A breaK.. BUt the Break NEver End.. cause After 2Hour of Working .. we Do nth after THAt.. haha.. nice ya..
we Look Around ANd we SAw 1 oF the WOrkEr sleepiNg while THe oTher Still Working..haha

(WOi APA buAT?TIduR ar..poTong GAji Tau)

after HAving LUnch(2.30PM).. my UNcle decided to go back hoMe.. wow.. that is the most happIest momment.. haha.. get to take BAth d.. haha

TagGggg.... XD

I was TAGGED by.....
CiuYI n ADwiN

Rules & Regulations:
-do not copy answers
-the tag questions must be 100% the same
-tag people after doing tag

2.Sen Chen
4.Chuan HooNG
5.Wai Zen
6.Sor Wen
8.SuE wEn
10.Shu Ee
13.Lin XioNG
14.Chun PAo
15.Ming JIn
16.HAnsen TeonG
17.seonG KIat
18.IvaN sIm
19.WenG sHen
20.Shu Wen

How do you know 14?
Frm SeconDAry SCh..

What would you do if you had never met 1?
PunCH hiS tuMMy. keke

What would you do if 9 and 20 dated you?
i will surely go.. if they treat me..

Would 6 and 17 make a good couple?
NO kuA.. i Think they Dont knoW each othEr.

Do you think 8 is attractive?
Yea i guess....

Do you know anything about 12's family
HE got A sister,mother,father,grandfather,grandmother,etc

Tell me something about 7?
Rich.. Lonely..N Good GUy..n HAve A nice ROOm ^.^

What is 18's favorite pastime?
err...i duno really knw...

What language does 15 speak?
English,mandrin.hoKkieN ?? thats alL??

Who is 19 going out with?
ermm. no iDea.. kaka

How old is 16 now?

When was the last time you talked to 13?
YestErdaY.. it Suckxx

Who is 2's favorite singer?
KELLY CLARKSON...HAHAHAH..the easiest question so far..LOL

Would you date 4?
NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would you date 17?
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cause if i Date HIm.. my waLLet will Surely Vommit Blood..

Is 15 single?

What is 10's last name?
E x 2

Would you ever consider being in a relationship with 11?
GOsh.. waT queS is This.. but if he wan i dont mind.. haha

Which school does 3 go to?

Where does 6 live?
K.U ....@.@

What do you like about 5?
His CrapS.. haha

I tag: bla,blA,Bla and Bla

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

CONfuse n StresS. doNNO hAppy O SAd.

daMN ConfuSE la NOw.. wat TO do..
gimmE some Idea .. !!!! my dad CAll me to Chg sch.. Either to LEtHIa o ACmar
gosh.. i felt kinda OK in the SCh i studying now .. y u wan mE(my Father) to CHg.
he Told ME that the sCh i StudyinG now NO future.. so HE wan me to HAve A betteR FUtuRE wo
got Until SO Serious meh.. study onli mA. alSO not COllAGE.
whiCH shoulD i CHOose. aIKS..LONG PIA la..

What Sub i shoUld take in FOrm 4 i also NOt sure,he now gimme pressure to choose Sch to CHg..
what shOUld i DO now...i HAte ACMAR grEEn PANts la.. Look s GAy..=.='''
then my bro say in leThia Sure canoT study cause gOT MANy "GAme KAKI'" there.. sure canot concentrate. haha.. i agree wit that.. cause i also cham they all play game der..

can CHg sch Dono is HAppy O saD. T.T
CHg sch need to Suit My selF in A nEw sTudy EnviRoment.. haih..
as A conCLusion.. DEpenDS on My PMR result ..

Saturday, November 24, 2007

gerHh.(tiREd)GReat 'jOB' my LittLE sis i am Proud OF U.. i am SO touCHed Wit What u HAVe doNE to mY BEloved..

=.= huh... today wake up at 10something.. i was wondering my frens arrive at KLANG PARADE aledi o not.. then i make a call.. on that time i realise that i am too early..
i was so damn tired of walking from ENG ANN to KP.. so i ASked myself eithER wanna Go o not.. at last.. i HAve decided to go.. but NOt by walking.. CAR.. my fren's bro fetch us go..
when i arrive at there onli i know SHE didnt came.. haih.. meaningless going alone watChing my FREns playING bowLing.. haha.when they throwing bowling i saw something very FuNNy is that a FRen(TEH) of miNE throwIng the Bowling bAll that time.. the Style are just LIke the STICKMAN..

theY A
Re haVIng funs. while i Am Sitting aLone therE and waTCH them play..hmm..
so i DEcided to have A walk.. haih.. when i pASsby CD SHOp..theY have a PROmotion BUy 2 free 1 . so i brought 3dvd games which cost me RM20.. duh expensive..
afTER buYING thosE cd GAMES..i WAlk baCK(3PM) from KP to ENG ANN while mY frENs ARE still hAVing fun..
whao.. SAUNA under the SUN is SUch A "EXCITING"..=.='''

When i ArriVE my "HOMe" which i call it as "HOmE SWeeT HomE"..
once i open my PC.. n wanna try out those new games i hAD bROught jus nOW..
i waS PRoud oF my LIttle sIS.. sHE had dOne a Big SurgeRY to mY 'Dearest'.(mY CPU)
TilL now.."mouth(DVD ROM)" stiLL cant be OPen yet..haih..
FEel So luCky TO haVE a "Small suRgeRY DOcTOr" liVing 2gaTHer WIt me.
my DeaR is sTIll verY heALthy.. Y u OpeRAte it..T.T
my Pc is innoCEnt..

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

WaT AdaY.. So TiRed .. n Nothing MucH to WRite ..

HAih.. whole day follow my Bro go there n here.. aBout 75% oF mY tIme i SpenD in My Bro's Car..
i Expected TodaY shouLD be A haPPy dAy .. BUt it comes oppositE..
nOT hAppy But TireD..
today .. A HUGE loRRy.. conTAining mAny heavy N biG haRDware stock..
watte.. gotta help that fatty to carry the HeaVY stock down from His loRRY.. >,<
so ExhausTed.. but my Bro's joB is jus to checK those Stocks.. but.. it Checking stocks took longer tIMe than i Carry iT down.. so i THInk my BrO is Also exhausted jus like mE..

sigH.. Tomolo GOing To TUiTION gain.. damn it.. I hate the BM teacher..
she AlwayS Drag the ClAss TIme.. the Bm class suppose to take 2hour 30min.. but the teacher THE LONGER SHE TEACH..THE LONGER THE TIME WILL REACH..=.=

oh ya. ADD MATH homework.. i haven done yet.. dono how to face the teacher..
tomolo sure dead meat liao la.. ish god.. WHO call mE so LAZy.. aiya.. is NORmal la. mosTly alL the BOys ARe laZY der lA. ( not all the boys.. is mostly onli-included me)
GosH waT to Write le.. noTHINg special haPPen today haha.. so nothing much to write for today..

WaT AdaY..

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Home Sweet Home!!!(I have say what i should say,i have done what i should done)

Yesh!! back to home. at last.. my beloved house..after spending 1 night in my grandma hse.. i knew that my own hse is the BEST..haha.
cant sleep that night.. thinking of something i should say on the other day..
haha.. after finish tuition on MONDAY night(10.00) go to MAMAK wit friends..
but the 1 i hope to go she didnt go. so i go there sitting wit friends so lonely.. nothing to say..
moreover. there are some friends that i not close to them 1.. so i didnt talk much.. jus hear..

HaHA.. the 1 make me laugh the most is that i watch (BALLS OF FURY) wit my bro n his fren(kok ho)..
a meaningless damn funny.. !!

on the other day(tuesday-20.7.2007) i have done the thing i should done a few years ago...
Hopefully she will really think bout it la.cause i am still watiting for it
i knew that this kind of thing canot be force.. so i will giv U the time to think..
as what they other says.. practice makes perfect..
but for me( Patience Brings Happiness )-hopefully it works la.cause i am always there for u

haha.. my bro miss me so much. i didnt come back house a day he said that he was boring without my noice.. haha.. i dont know i was so important to some1 kaka..

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Wats Wrong Wit Streamyx !!!!!

Darn it.. whole day keep dc..
mostly 90% i play game will dc.. wats the problem. OMG..
wat to do.. people to chat wit also......derr.
hearing songs whole day nth to do.. play chinese chess wit couz.. haha.
defeat him 99 haha.. he newbie ma.. no choice la.. he wan me to teach him play
cause he wanna join sch tournament. haha.. still got many to learn..
hmm whole day my phone didnt RANG at all.. so sad.. it means that i am not remembered by the others T.T

haha.. my couz kena NS pity him.. gotta go SIBU(SARAWAK) haha.. kolian tai..
ohYA.. cant wait to get my PMR result haha. very curious wit my result..
get bad result also nvm la.. done my best d..cant blame my self.. jus blame didnt pray hard enuff
god didnt bless me.. haha

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Welcome to my BLOG.. 1st day(17/11/2007) writting blog..kinda nervous..
haha..actually i dont know anything bout blog.. but.. my bro saw me too boring n do nothing in hse.
he intro me to write blog..
hmm.. if i write anything wrongly hope u all dont mind.. haha
today as normal (boring day).. do nth in hse.. jus like a freak person..meaningless living like this..
hope to do something usefull but dont know wat to do..

aiseh.. today being BUGGED by a fren on mine..(CIUYI)
boom me till speechless =.='''
haha.. also good la.. chat wit me while waiting the time to pass by..
i wake up with hope but sleep wit disappointment...
she didnt even on9.. i wait her whole day.. but she didnt on..T.T