Guess wat.. WE found CONDOM!!!! at my hse..
inside de drain bhind the Dewan Putra.. OMFg.. dono which guy stupidly throw it anywhere..
n the Worst thing is.. itS still new n haven been use yet..
OK.. jus forget bout tat part. me HAnsen n Weng Shen were responsible to contribute
some for the HIGh SCh IU day.. which held on MAy..the month of my BDay. MAy BAby.
We r REsponsible to MAke the pYramid for the IU day as presentation or something else la..
well.. IT goes well when sketching n drawing n calculating..
but when comes to real work.. iT doesnt goes so well.
there r some mistake on the calculation when we doing the prototaip of it...
cant hardly estimate the measurement cause the cupboard r reli hard to bend it.
n it will eat up few MM or CM from the side we bend it up..
HEre's de pic of it..Work of today..