Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Camping Experience?

Well.. i'm home gain as usual..
BUt tiS time BAck wit Darker skin haha..
1st Time in my 17th joined scout n Went to camping..
MAybe tis is also the las camping i can ever attend for my Secondary life..
ERm... Lets the pic expain, lazy type tis time..

Pic:On the way to campsite..

pic: up the HIll... Kinda steep the road,

Scenery on top of the mountain.. hehe..
Scar my name on de wood over the top building on de hill..
Going down from the hill..

PeacoCK!!!!... Beautiful? but tink so the feather abit drop edi.. not so nice
REach Old place At last..

today(17/3) is also my DAd's bday.. Wishing HIm happy BDAy n thx for everything he gave me

20ALways!!! haha..

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