Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Ok.. well.. NOw is the Season of eXAm...
Tis montH i hAving my 2Nd monthly test.. Then somewhere on MAy tink so 11May will be having my MIdterm EXam..
after Tat someore got SPM trial.. Tink bout TAt also scary.. lolx..
Tats not the terrible part.. The most terrible part is many event going on 2gather n almost on the same month..

For Exe.. I.R.R Charity Run .. Will be Helding on tis Sunday, But now i still facing DE TEst...
stupid yea.

WHile on MAy.. tis mORE terrible.. Will be hAving MIDterm+ have to Do those I.U DAy Stuff..
thE PYramid i also afraid i CAnt do iT finish on tiME ler..

Btw.. Today i hEArd Some converSation bouT Working..
Different ppl HAv their own Point of View tOWArd the WAys of Finding Their ever 1St salary..
Some ppl IS They use Their Blood+Sweat to EArn...
While For some They jUS need to SIt inSide ofFice wit Air Cond somemore..
but their salary r far more than the ppl working lik Cow outside..
Y is it..? those ppl Work but repay wit less.. Those Who plan paid wit more..
education PRob?? o wat.. no iDea..

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