Sunday, March 30, 2008

LosT OF DireCtion N spiRit..

dont knOw wat had happen to me tis few week..
jus felt like standing middle of no where n lost of direction..
do what also lack of spirit n energy... maybe tis is wat we called as teenagers pRoblems kua..
sometimes i wanna talk to some1.. but, no people i can talk wit..
my mind r jus blank n flying somewhere else.. where?? i also dono..
keep playing game tis few weeks.. game game n game.. studies??
wats tat.. i didnt even touch any books since i went back from sch..
jus listening to musics n
facing my pC i think bout 10hours ++ lo..
keep playing games n drink water onli..
wat to do i also dono..whenever i think tat wanna study..
i jus bcome lazy.. n dont wanna think anymore bout it..
tis is normal i think .. for me tis type of student la..
those bookworm are Different..
holding books like holding Pillow onli..


nth else to post..... =.= crap!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

TEsT @.@

TEst gain.. tis wednesday, tat means tomolo la.. Gosh..
but haven study at all.. jus holding de book n dreaming of other thing else..
OMg.. i wonder y my Sch MOnthly test so Early while the oTher sch kinda late..
Pushing Stress To US(i mean students) onli.. Wth..
think OUr brain is waT.. Memory CARd? PEndrive o ExternAl hARdrive???
DAmn it..
11 Subject to TAke.. T.T
gota cry out d la.. but in my class seemS like thEre ARent ANy TEst Stress FOr
'Those' Student..

tis iS wAt we call AS 'Good n PErfect student'
toTAlly Agree.. WHole day PLying POker Around the class n making
'Studying Situation' foR the OTher Student..
HArdworking Ryte.. can ImpRove tHEir Add MATh n MAth By uSing tis Method..lolx..
OUr country Coming LEader iS Tis BunCH of sTudent..
So.. Giv somE respect..hehe.. '''@.@
I sWEar i NOT goTTA fail!!! ANy Subject in THe teST...
NOt Bio not Chemis n Even Physic altough i am NOt Confident wit it la.. ngek ngek..
I HAte BIo ..!!!!
THose Word tHEy knew me BUt i DOno them..
jus read over onli.. but mind is still blank.cant fill it up wit those Strange WOrd..
could not FInd inSide my 'Dictionary'.. =.='''

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Hmm.. i Realise tat i Am Spending more n more money time by time,..
usually last time i think tat i am good enuff to handle my Daily expenses..
but now days..Human will Grown up money will also go out.
so It is normal? using overlimit?? who knows..
as for me.. i jus use it for
eating.. Tickets...Stationary..Tuition fees n etc..
hanging out wit frens lately.. it is fun but.. cost lots...anyway..
Enjoy n HAppy can Liao la.. hehe..

I am jus WOndering.. sometimes during mind dono fly go wer..
thinking of something tat i also dono wats tat thing..
jus cant concentrate duh..
felt so lost of direction..having tis relation is jus a NAme o true..
i cant even Feel it Exist....
gosh..i am being avoided?? o i scare u off..
jus tell me..cant catch ur mind at all..
farewell to me.. gotta die soon if continue like tis...T.T

Sunday, March 2, 2008

ResPOnsibility in Everyone??? Jus crapping..

miNd are juS like A blAnk pAper.
but once it is filled wit colours n writings...
it can be very easy or opposite to it which means complicated..

BE responsible to wHAt u heard..
wHat u ASk..
What u See &
WhaT is in ur mind..
handle them nicely or else it will cause many COnflict pRoblem
which everyone will not hope tat the pRoblem will hAppen to thEmself..
BE Responsible to each thing u have done...