Friday, December 7, 2007

TIRed,EXhAusTEd,sleppY And BLA blA bla..

2TIring DAy..I cant BelievE i Went To TUition especiaLLY BM in the EARly mORning(8.00AM) THis ThursdaY.. gosH.. as UsuAl ADditionAl tiME FOr TUition WAT A GOOD TEAChER so CArE FOR HEr StuDEnt.. !! aFTer TUition i Still hAVE ANother Tuition aT night(6PM)..ADD MAth..mY frEn n I BRAINsTOrming ADD math in mY ROOM for 3HOur but.. as NORMal talking is MORE than WRitting.. haha. canT finish Even 1exercise in ThiS 3houR.. so we GIve up n WEnt FOR hAPPy HOUR.. haha.. when FINIsh ADD Math TUition(8pm) .. so DAMn FREaking Sleepy.. Z.Z
buT slEep at 1aM cause watching drama.

hmm.. DIdnt Do hw IS it,.. nEED to Copy HW now.

while ON the 2nd day.. i sUPpose to deserVE A nice LONG Dream While i tiring THe whole yesterdAY.. but.. WAI ZEN came in to MY room n WOke me UP.. ish u know 8AM GAin.. the saME tiME jus LIke yesterdAY..
WTH.. MakE me AWAke for 1hour 30min cause he got tuiTIon at A1 later(9.30)
yesh.. so HAppy WHen i sAW him GEt ouT of thE gATE ahah..
BACk to MY dREAmlANd..n sleep .. wake up ON 1PM.. but STill FEEl that TIred.
after taKING bath BUT haVEn EAT my BREAKfaSt + lunCH

wAI ZEN n I went to ADWin's hse..ish HUngry beTUl..
C2pid HIm. DONT know ORDer pIZZA or MCD.. keep LAughing when ordering ..
AT last we CYCle to PArkSOn to HAve our 1st meAL of thE DAY..
MCD GAIn.. boring liao.. jus Ate yesterday.. n the same FOr toDAY..

HMM.. Today CELEb BDAy FOR LEong wEE.. ish.. wAter bAlloon Apart of the Activities for CElebrate hiS bdaY..
didNT tOLD me EArlier.. iF i know i wont be weaRIng WHite COlour SHirt..
dONO whiCH bastard THrow thE bAlloon to me n cause me "RUN LIGHT"
wet MY whole bODy.. WHIle i am wearing WHite SHirt.. Swt..
sTIll TIred TIll noW..ISh.Writting JOurney OF my LIFE in BLOG gain haha.
too Free d.haih ..

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