Thinking so y do blog exist..
writing your own personality? or journey of life.. sweet & bitter?
well. i do agree writing blog is 1 of the way tat can express urself
to the world..
but. critics from every reader .. not everyone can accept tat..
maybe their style of handling problem would not be the same as everyone..
We could not call the others to follow as we want..
so tats the problem of it...
maybe they will critic n take ur blog's post as some jokes n fooling around..
Well. not everyone can put their ermm.. somehow we should say as. 'Private Life'
on display to everyone..
not everyone wanted to expose themself too much to the enviroment..
n they
care too much of other ppl eye sight toward them n opinion(
including myself)
so tats the reason i dont post too much recently..
n lazy to post rubbish around ...
tats all for tis post..